
Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Fall Term

So, Fall has officially started. Usually, the season known as Fall means that I once again ride the bikes that I have a tendency to fall off of. The fall term at school means teaching a Mountain Biking PE class where I get to wait at the top of every hill for a bunch of 15-18 year old boys and then chase them down the hills. The non dorm duty weekends mean 'cross races. That's what Fall is supposed be.

As some of you know, I haven't raced since mid July because of a knee/quad injury. After a boatload of x-rays, MRI, dr. appts, and PT, I may in fact be right back where I started in mid July. Things were progressing OK enough with the PT and I felt like I was going to make my goal of 100% by Nov. 1st. And then, I reinjured it in class. Not mountain biking class, mind you, but in my intro chemistry class! I kid you not. I was trying to pull down a window shade that was just out of reach and... well, it sucked. I knew I was in trouble when my physical therapist checked my flexibility the next day and exclaimed out loud something that she probably wishes she hadn't said. It was ugly.

So, unfortunately, it's looking like I may very well have to sit out the 'cross season this year. I suck at 'cross, but it's fun. I'm still going to try to get to some of the races to watch and cheer like a crazy mad woman for those of you crazy enough to do 'cross. :)


  • Who cares if you suck at cross? I suck at cross too! It's all about the fun!!

    See you at the races, cowbell in hand...

    By Blogger CTodd, at 6:09 AM  

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