
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Nationals...Recon and Rest

No racing for me today so I decided to check out the road race course. I'm thinking that was not the best idea. Lately I have not been able to climb to save my life and this course.... damn. It's going to be a suffer fest. I'm thinking I want to make something happen at tomorrow's crit because I don't see it happening at the road race.

The course starts and finishes at Seven Springs Ski Resort. Bad sign #1. The first section is OK. There's one "moderate" climb up to the golf course which I don't think it will be too bad. Then, it's a nice downhill/rolling run to the beginning of a loop that we do 3 times. The loop is weird. It has about as much rhythm as me when I dance. You turn right onto the loop, go around a curve to find a short, steep roller. OK, not too bad, but to borrow a saying from Doug, the road is dead. About three miles in, you take a left turn (without much momentum)to hell and find yourself at the bottom of a half mile hill/climb. I've been trying to think of what, if any, climb it may resemble in New particular one comes to mind. It hurt though and I was trying to take it easy. It's not exactly gradual. After that, it's just a lot of rollers and not a whole lot of momentum. After three joyous laps, we get to go back up the hill that we rode down. We take a slight detour near the top so that we have a bit of a descent before a finishing climb. I think it will be a race of attrition. Alas, I'll worry about that later. Tomorrow is the crit.

After my ride and some lunch, I headed out to the crit course to watch the Masters Men 55-59 race. Those guys were fast. They averaged over 26 mph. It was fun to watch as I have seen many of them racing in New England. Tom Officer was off the front for awhile, but he was reeled in. Lots of attacks. The eventual winner attacked with 9 laps to go and stayed away. Field sprint for 2nd place. From what I heard, it was the only race on the day that was not won in a field sprint. I don't think that our race will be quite so fast tomorrow, but hopefully it will be as aggressive.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully tomorrow will yield another good race tale.


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