
Monday, May 08, 2006


My Cat 2 sticker arrived today. :) Now I can't succumb to the temptation to do a 3/4 race anymore. Although, after Jiminy Peak on Saturday, I don't think I need a sticker to keep me out of those races. What a mess. Jiminy is quite deserving of a rant, but I don't have the energy at the moment to do it appropriately. Maybe tomorrow.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I Think I'm a Little Scared...

Tomorrow is Jiminy Peak. I love this race. It's always a difficult one that takes me to my limits. Every year, I do better than the previous year. This year, I'm not so sure. The women's fields are combined this year so the 4s will be riding with the 1/2/3 field. There are 106 of us pre-reg'd to participate in the chaos. That's the biggest women's field I will have participated in.

The biggest field I've raced in to date is the bike leg of the Josh Billings Run Aground which is a triathlon that begins with a mass start bike race. The year I did it, they staged everyone with a USCF license in the front and then lined up everyone else behind us. Well, that didn't help a whole lot. There were maybe 75 - 100 licensed racers and about 500 unlicensed. Yep. 600 people on bikes with vastly varying skill levels. I survived it, but it was close. I was nervous until I hit the transition area to pass off the wrist band to the paddlers. I still remember, way too vividly, riding by a CCB rider who was laying in the road out cold and very bloody. Eek. I really hope that we don't have any major (or even minor) mishaps tomorrow.

Monday, May 01, 2006

At Long Last...

A new entry. OK, so I've been less than diligent in keeping an up to date blog, but now that more than one person is actually reading it, I have a little more incentive to not be so lame. At least now I have something to actually write about. Racing has started. I was disappointed with the first two weekends of racing. I had high expectations of myself and I felt that I had not raced to my full potential. Freaking cold... still can't get rid of the sore throat.

Anyway, I finally had a good weekend at Sturbridge and Palmer. I did the 1/2/3 race at Palmer with the goal of just trying to ride a smart race and stay towards the front. I did that and did so comfortably. I actually finished with some gas left in the tank. I felt like I had been challenged, but not was not completely spent. On Sunday, I decided to do the 3/4 race at Palmer. I had it in my mind all week long that I would do the 1/2/3 race on Saturday for the experience and then do the 3/4 race on Sunday to win. Like a dumbass, I shared this plan with too many people. When Sunday rolled around, I had no choice but to go out and win. I had to back up my talk with some good legs. Needless to say, I was a little nervous because I was worried about looking/sounding like an idiot if I didn't win. I had two teammates in the race with me. We came up with plans A and B. A was for me to get into a break if one went and B was to set me up for the sprint otherwise. Now, we all know that I suck at large field sprints so I was hoping for Plan A. So, needless to say, Plan A failed. Everything was pulled back. I did launch one attack on a hill in the second lap to try and thin the field out some, but I don't think I accomplished that. Oh well. So, on the finish climb, I found myself boxed in and apparently expressed my disgust/angst out loud as several people reported hearing me yell that I was stuck. Anyway, I could see Jen just ahead of me on the right. All I had to do was find a way to get on her wheel. I found a small opening and jumped in behind her. Once safely tucked in behind her I yelled to her to go and did she ever. Damn! She powered through and got me clear and launched me up for a long sprint. I think I actually had an advantage in going early since it seems that everyone else was waiting for someone else to make the move. Since I took the line of the gutter, no one was right on my wheel. I saw the finish line and just kept turning the pedals determined not to be passed, and I made it. Phew! Aside from being psyched, I was so relieved. I don't think the outcome would have been the same had I not been helped out by Jen's rock star leadout. It was awesome. So, hopefully there ends my 3/4 career. Hopefully Diane will agree to send me a little sticker to put on my license. :)